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The session is light, calm and strictly private and all about you, so it’s great chance to do some self-care.


I strongly believe in wellness that is consciousness-based. The mind-body connection has been acknowledged for more than 30 years in the medical profession, but we still live with a strong bias toward the body.


What we need to realize is that the body goes where the mind leads it. To reach a state of lasting wellness for a lifetime, qualities like happiness, social support, curiosity, and inner fulfillment are essential.


It begins with the healing self, a shift away from relying on doctors to self-care. The wellness movement must encourage this shift if we want to break out of the old model in which the body is a machine that needs repairing by a mechanic—the doctor—when it starts to break down.


Expanding wellness to include We and All is a natural progression. Once we know how to care for ourselves, we want to care for others. But ultimately, from a consciousness-based perspective, wellness is about waking up.


If you’d like my help in making 2022 the healthiest and happiest year of your life yet then I’m ready to coach/mentor you.



Wellness coaching /mentoring

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